Meet Lars
Lars is a native of Louisville KY where he grew up playing piano, soccer and studying karate. He redirected his love of music and athletics into dance and then musical theatre at the Youth Performing Arts School where he graduated in 2016. That's when he made the move to the city, entering the inaugural class of the Musical Theatre program at the Manhattan School of Music. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music in 2020 and is now living the actor's life and writing songs in the Big Apple!

I graduated as a part of the inaugural Musical Theatre Class of 2020 with a Bachelor of Music.
I am currently on my first North American Tour with The Book of Mormon as U/S for Elder Cunningham and Joseph Smith and as a member of the ensemble.
I performed in a reading of the Human Comedy by Galt MacDermot for New York City Center Encores!
I have performed in summer and Christmas seasons at The Little Theatre on the Square.